Best The Sprout House Sunflower, Buckwheat, Speckled Snow Peas, Mung, Adzuki and Popcorn Shoots Sampler

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If you like best seller The Sprout House Sunflower, Buckwheat, Speckled Snow Peas, Mung, Adzuki and Popcorn Shoots Sampler. You should Buy The Sprout House Sunflower, with lowest prices from our Best Deals Associated. You will get Best buy The Sprout House Sunflower, Best Deals from merchants stores

Here are some of the great features of The Sprout House Sunflower, Buckwheat, Speckled Snow Peas, Mung, Adzuki and Popcorn Shoots Sampler

The Sprout House Sunflower,, Organic Sprouting Seeds from the Sprout House. Sample sizes of Baby Black Sunflower, Whole Buckwheat, Speckled Snow Peas for shoots, mung for shoots and adzuki for shoots and popcorn for shoots. Popcorn directions: Soak the seeds overnight in a jar or bowl of water. Then rinse and sprout as usual. You can use liquid kelp fertilizer at any point and I have used our Sure to Grow Mats during the sprouting process as well. These also work very well with soil. They take a bit longer somewhere closer to the 10 or 12 or 14 day timeline. Once the shoots push the top lid off, they are ready to eat. Cut above the corn line (don't eat the corn) and just eat the shoots. These shoots will be yellow because they have not been subjected to light and they are sweet, very very sweet. These need to be sprouted in the dark. When they are exposed to light and turn green then they become chewy and bitter.

  • Popcorn for Shoots
  • Contains sample amounts of Baby Black Sunflower, Whole Buckwheat
  • Organic Sprouting Seeds from The Sprout House
  • Speckled Snow Peas for Shoots, Mung for Shoots and Adzuki for Shoots
  • Sample Sizes
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Best The Sprout House Sunflower, Buckwheat, Speckled Snow Peas, Mung, Adzuki and Popcorn Shoots Sampler. Compare The Sprout House Sunflower,Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Time is running out! Order Now and SAVE